Marwa Metzler

Reclaim your power... Own your truth!

Hello beautiful soul…
My name is Marwa Metzler

I am here to help you on your healing & recovery journey, to guide you beyond your brain, beyond your mind & beyond your trauma to empower you to embody the life you deserve and align with the CORE of your being!

Hello beautiful soul…
My name is Marwa Metzler

I am here to help you on your healing & recovery journey, to guide you beyond your brain, beyond your mind & beyond your trauma to empower you to embody the life you deserve and align with the CORE of your being!

My mission

My mission is to guide ambitious women & men who desire to make  an impact in the world through the power of love vs. the love of power, by choosing to align with their divine sacred energy & the blueprint of  their souls, to embody the change they envision in the world and transform it into consistent conscious daily actions!

Trauma & Recovery

Trauma, injustice, hardships & limitations- we all experience them in some form, but we also all possess the power within us to heal, transform & create our own true identity. When each one of us on an individual level can find and express their authentic self, our very existence becomes a contribution to the larger collective, promoting peace and equality.

In my coaching, I help my clients tap into their inner sacred power, activate their resources & align the body and soul in order to birth their true identity. By understanding how our nervous system works, befriending it and building that inward bridge, clients are be able to disconnect from the old self and re-connect with the new recovered self, creating the life they envision manifesting the peace & joy they crave & seek.

My earthly identity guaranteed a narrative woven by threads of trauma, but also paradoxically, provided an incredibly rich soil & birthplace for my resilience, empowerment & healing.

I am not a victim of what has been done to me, I am a victor and I am so fortunate to do what I am passionate about. That is why I have developed my unique and distinguished trauma-informed Life Coaching Program which takes you BEYOND the limits of your brain, beliefs & trauma and empowers you to Wake Up & Be the complete, whole & resourceful person you already are!

Why work with me ?

My approach

My approach bridges science with spirituality, it is holistic, it’s evidence-based and intuitive.

Over 2 decades

of experience in the fields of therapy & coaching, healing & recovery, education & theology.

Multi languages

I speak three languages fluently and offer my services in Arabic, English or German.

30+ countries

I lived in and traveled to over 30 countries, which enhanced my social & communication skills. I connect with people beyond their earthly identities.


I witnessed a lot of violence, injustice and atrocities growing up which has shaped my personality & became the birthplace of my resilience. So not only do I understand trauma, I KNOW trauma!

Accredited coach

I am an accredited coach which means I work closely with a supervisor and meet with her on a regular bases to monitor my professional performance.


I am a member of the Association for Coaching which means I honour and keep the ethical code to the profession in my practice.

My offerings

1:1 Coaching

Choose the package that suits your needs, desires and recourses to work with me virtually.

Group Coaching

Sign up for the next group coaching block where we focus on one topic that has to do with trauma recovery and healing the nervous system.

Ya Rab Marwa Metzler

The Power Hour

A 60-90 minutes session designed to help you process a specific issue or challenge.

Workshops and Courses Marwa Metzler

Courses & Workshops

In-person and online trainings that aim to empower individuals to heal in a group-setting of like-minded and like-hearted people.

Some Of My


Some of my

Videos & Podcasts

أنا غاضب و لا أعلم ما الحل ؟!

في هذا الفيديو الجديد، سنستكشف عالم الغضب و أسبابه و كيفية استخدامه بشكل صحيح، ليكون مصدرًا للقوة والتحفيز. ضيفة الحلقة مروة متسلر، معالجة و مدربة حياة معتمدة من منظور التروما و ذات خبرة عقدين في التعامل مع الغضب و الظروف الخارجة عن السيطرة.

بوابة التجسيد: الوصول إلى الحاضر- الاتصال مع الجسد والذات خلال الحمل والولادة- مع مروة ميتسلر

تركز هذه الحلقة من البودكاست على البوابة الرابعة من رحلة الحمل والولادة، وهي بوابة التجسيد. وتعني هذه البوابة بالارتباط الجسدي والعاطفي للمرأة بجسدها وجسد طفلها خلال فترة الحمل والولادة. من خلال التركيز على الحاضر بالكامل والتجسيد، يمكن للمرأة أن تتوافق أكثر مع احتياجاتها ومشاعرها وغرائزها، مما يؤدي إلى تجربة ولادة أكثر بديهية واتصال. في هذه الحلقة، سنتحدث عن أهمية التجسيد وكيفية تحقيقه، وسنسمع من خبرة وتجربة ضيفتنا الشخصية في هذا المجال.

الأمان هو مناعة ودوا للجاز لايتينج: الجزء الأول

ليه ردود فعلي بتعاندني او تفاجئني؟

الفرق بين عقلي الواعي واللا واعي

تأثير خبراتي السابقة على احساسي بالأمان

الهجوم، والهروب والتجمد، استجابات جهازي العصبي الثلاثة

ايه نوع التروما في الطفولة اللي بتستدعي كل استجابة من دول

الأمان كدوا ومناعة للجاز لايتينج: الجزء الثاني

ازاي انظم جهازي العصبي واحس بالأمان ؟

ازاي اعرف الفرق بين الخطر في البيئة والخطر اللي مسجل جوايا بسبب ترومات الماضي؟

ايه الفرق بين دائرة الراحة ودائرة الأمان؟

امتى نقول على علاقة او بيئة غير آمنة وناخد قرار نسيبها؟

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Many Thanks

for my loyal and amazing photographer

Thomas Meusburger


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Kirchstrasse 14, 88131 Lindau, Germany

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