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Hello beautiful soul...

As a woman with immigrant roots & intercultural experiences, who has lived in different countries in the world, I have learned to value the power of getting to choose how we see ourselves & the importance of radiating that image so people are invited to tune into its frequency and meet us in that genuine nonjudgmental space. Allow me to guide you on this art of crafting a life that mirrors your soul.

My coaching program is designed to

All strategies & techniques are designed and delivered within the framework of coaching. I always ask my client’s permission beforehand for any exercise or technique I use during the session. My clients are the experts on their lives, my role is to mirror their reflection & challenge them lovingly to expand their options & embody possibilities BEYOND their limitations.

Our Coaching Relationship

As your coach, I serve as your guide, your companion, your mirror, your parachute, your escort and your biggest cheerleader on this path of growth. I help you find your blindspots, connect with your body (especially your heart ), and challenge your incoherent beliefs & actions that don’t align with your values.

Together, we dig into & identify the root-causes of your limitations and negative emotions buried deep into your subconscious. We bring them to surface, neutralise them & allow them to transform to fuel your BEING, mobilise you into the DOING to step into your dream and HAVING the inspired life you envision.

Description of Coaching

Coaching is a partnership, a journey of introspective, expansion and transformation where thoughts, feelings and narratives go through a process of alchemy. You learn how your divine organic design in the form of our nervous system works, befriend it & activate your own inner sacred powers to heal, transform and create your desired reality.

My Coaching Approach

As a coach with more than two decades of personal and professional experience working with individuals & family systems, in different cultures & organisational settings creating leadership, empowerment and integration programs, delivering workshops and trainings in areas of trauma recovery, self-empowerment, diversity & spirituality, I have developed my own unique and distinguished style. I always seek to update and improve my approach to be of best service to my clients. At this stage of my career I follow a holistic, evidence-based, intuitive, trauma-informed model, which combines positive psychology, neuro-linguistic programming & solution-focused coaching with Leadership Embodiment.

The 4 Steps of Beyond Coaching


it is all about your life's experience! Your own, script, story and individual map of the world!


it is all about YOUR own talents, gifts, resources & resilience! My role is to empower you to uncover & activate them!


it is all about integrating YOUR mind, body, heart & soul to live an aligned life!world!


it is all about YOUR progress, upgrading, and leveling up! But remember, new level, new devil!

1:1 Coaching

Choose the package that suits your needs, desires and recourses to work with me virtually.

Beyond Coaching Bronze Package

• 8 weeks of 60-90 min, 1:1 coaching with
support in between sessions.
• One follow up session, a month after
the coaching ends.
including VAT & transfer fees.


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Beyond Coaching Silver Package

• 12 weeks of 60-90 min, 1:1 coaching
with support between sessions.
• One session of Tapping (EFT: Emotional
Freedom Technique).
• One follow up session, a month after the
coaching ends.
including VAT & transfer fees.


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Beyond Coaching Golden Package

• 24 weeks of 60-90 min, 1:1 coaching
with support between sessions.
• One session of Tapping (EFT: Emotional
Freedom Technique)
• One Healing Reiki session
• One follow up session, a month after
the coaching ends.

including VAT & transfer fees.


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Group Coaching

Sign up for the next group coaching block where we focus on one topic that has to do with trauma recovery and regulation of the nervous system.

Power Hour

A 60-90 minutes session designed to help you process a specific issue or challenge.

Ideally for those who would like to have one session of consultation and counseling with me on a specific topic.

It is also suitable for those who are ready to resolve a phobia, which is an irrational fear of something that limits and compromises the quality of their lives. Using a special NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) technique I can help you effortlessly let go of that phobic response & enjoy a more enriching, fulfilling life.

Also used to reduce intense emotions regarding a situation or a condition using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), known as the tapping solution to help you unblock certain emotions stuck in your system and find the root cause of your challenge

including VAT

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Courses & Workshops

In-person and online trainings that aim to empower individuals to heal in a group-setting of like-minded and like-hearted people. Topic varies from healing our nervous system, to activating our sacred powers to empowering leaders and beyond!

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